Thursday, August 23, 2007

Preloading in Flash CS3: Addendum

OK, I don't speak Italian, but Flep does. Not only does he speak Italian, but he speaks AS3. Thanks to his post: Preloader for Beginners, I finally found a really good solution for preloading. The only thing I wish it had was a progress bar. Great stuff Flep.

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Preloading in Flash CS3

You'd think that something as important and standard as a preloader would be simple in the latest version of Flash. Not only is preloading pretty much undocumented - probably because there are so many ways to do it - the information both in books and on the internet is fairly sparse. So far, I've found at least four different techniques and none of them to my liking.

What's even more daunting is to find out how it's implemented - with classes. Now I've been using Flash since version 2 and I'm pretty fluent in AS 2.0, but this whole business about classes in CS3, although it's slowly sinking in, is a bit much. Instead of a few lines of code, now I need a whole separate .as file as a document class for my Flash file?!? Try teaching that to first time Flash users!

Anyhow, I thought I'd share what I found, so you could pass it along. First there's this post over at BIT-101 entitled: Preloaders in AS3. For something a little more straightforward, you can try Koen De Weggheleire's solution, which doesn't require a class, but isn't all that flexible either: Preloader in Flash CS3 - Actionscript 3.0 way. Weggheleire follows up with another tutorial on a different technique, this time with a class: More About Preloading in Flash CS3. This approach is promising and easy to tweak. Finally, there's ProgressBar Component of Flash CS3, by Flep. This technique utilizes the Progress Bar Component included in Flash CS3.

Actually, preloading has never been an exact science and everybody has different approaches to the whole thing. I just think Adobe could've implemented it better in this release.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

AS3 reference

I'm tackling AS3 now and it's been slow going. Finding good information about it on the Adobe website is frustrating. I did stumble on this today and I thought I'd share it with you. It's an 800 page AS3 reference by Adobe - go figure.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Article at Layers Magazine

I've been published! My first article/tutorial was published by Layers Magazine. It's about using Flash and Illustrator together with dynamic text. Getting Dynamic with Illustrator and Flash.

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